Celebrating a Golden Anniversary 1973-2023

Date: 14th Mar 2023 Author: Chris Pinnell

50 celebrating 14.03.1973

Celebrating  –  A Golden Anniversary!

In 1973 the Westhill Cub Scouts were formed.

So we are celebrating Fifty Golden Years of Scouting in Westhill

The records show that in March 1973 a meeting was held with District Commissioner Dr Geoff Gill and interested parents and prospective Leaders when it was decided to form a Cub Scout Group, with a purple neckie trimmed in gold.  Arrangements to meet in the Westhill school were being made.

Archivists at Scout HQ have confirmed that on 14th March 1973 the Scout Group was registered.  We have the registration document!    It shows Mrs I Easton as the Cub Mistress, with Mrs M Blackwood as Assistant Cub Mistress.  There were twelve Wolf Cubs registered.

The Group Council was formed with Mr W Brand as chairman, Mr James Scott as Treasurer and Mrs Elizabeth Gray as Secretary.

The Scottish census for 1973  shows 32 groups in Aberdeenshire with 763 Cubs, 550 Scouts, 56 Venture Scouts and 133 Leaders.

Today’s Beavers, Cubs and Scouts should be very grateful for the pioneering approach by our first Leaders and Group Council for starting the Group.

During 2023 we will be celebrating 50 Golden years, with camps, parties and a Scouting display. A display of key events, including the building of our Scout hall is being prepared.

Our youth members and leaders are already wearing a commemorative “50 years” neckie badge.  And the youngsters have the chance to earn a Golden badge , designed by Mairi one of our Scouts, for their uniforms.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III