General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) raises the standards for processing personal data, to strengthen and unify protection for individuals across the EU. The new legislation comes into force in the UK on 25th May 2018. The UK Scout Association is releasing information and support materials for Groups and Districts, which will be added to this page as they are made available.
If you have any questions please contact Westhill’s GDPR data Champion – Exec Member Loraine Pace, or Group Scout Leader Chris Pinnell.
Golden Rules for Leaders and Executive members.
- Do not hold “personal Information ” on others that you don’t need to
When Young People ‘move up’ – transfer or delete unnecessary information. Core information should be held in OSM, and Parents should re-approve permissions. - Keep files secure, and delete files ( paper and electronic ) when they are no longer relevant
Scout camp health forms should be destroyed after 2 months ( unless there was a serious accident) - Try not to send spreadsheets of information on individuals to many recipients.
Try to utilise corporate systems like OSM, Compass, gmail groups, to hold data. - Don’t email a huge list of recipients – use a blind “BCC” if you must.
Again can OSM, Compass, or a Gmail suite hold the contact lists for use. - Don’t hold data on insecure laptops or data sticks, that can be lost stolen or hacked.
Encrypted sticks, and password protected files are better.